Frequently Asked Questions

About Be Internet Awesome
Frequently Asked Questions

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Who is Be Internet Awesome for?

These resources are for everyone, and are designed to best serve families, educators and kids. Interland has been particularly well-received by kids ages 7-12, but can certainly be enjoyed by older and younger kids, too.

Do people have to sign in to play the game or access the materials?

All materials are free and openly available; no sign-in is required to access any part of Be Internet Awesome.

What’s Interland?

Interland is a free, web-based game designed to help kids learn five foundational lessons across four different mini-games, or ‘lands.’ Kids are invited to play their way to Internet Awesome in a quest to deny hackers, sink phishers, one-up cyberbullies, outsmart oversharers and become safe, confident explorers of the online world. We built Interland with help from experts in the digital safety space, and it is the recipient of the International Society for Technology in Education’s Seal of Alignment. The four lands and their key learning objectives are: Reality River - Don’t Fall for Fake, Mindful Mountain - Share with Care, Kind Kingdom - It’s cool to be kind and Tower of Treasure - Stay Safe and Secure.

Where is Be Internet Awesome available?

All Be Internet Awesome resources are accessible globally. We’ve also worked with experts across the globe to build local resources in the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium (Dutch - Interland game only), Belgium (English - Interland game only), Belgium (French - Interland game only), Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Italy (for teens), Mexico, Peru, Poland, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, United States

What devices are compatible with Interland?

Interland works on any device that has an Internet connection and a web browser. That means any desktop or laptop computer, tablet, or mobile phone is ready to help you Be Internet Awesome.