To make the most of the internet, kids need to be ready to make clever choices. Be Internet Awesome teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can be confident online explorers.
The Internet Code of Awesome
Be internet Smart
Share with Care
Good (and bad) news spreads quickly online, and without thinking ahead, kids can find themselves in tricky situations that have lasting consequences. The solution? Learning how to share with those they know and those they don’t.
Be a Smart Communicator
- Encourage thoughtful sharing by treating online communication like face-to-face chats; if it’s not okay to say, it’s not okay to post.
- Set up ground rules about what kind of communication is (and isn’t) ok.
- Keep personal info about family and friends private.
Be Internet Alert
Don't Fall for Fake
It’s important to help kids know that people and situations online aren’t always what they look like. Knowing what’s real and what’s fake is a very real lesson in online safety.
Spot the Signs for Scams
- If “winning” or getting something for “free” feels too good to be true, it probably is.
- Fair exchanges shouldn’t require sharing any personal info.
- Always think twice before you do something online and trust your gut feeling. Keep an eye out for phishing attempts—efforts to steal information like login or account details by pretending to be a trusted contact in an email, text, or other online communication.
Be Internet Strong
Stay Safe and Secure
Keeping your personal info safe and secure is just as important online as it is in real life. Protecting valuable information helps kids avoid damaging their devices, reputations, and relationships.
Create a Strong Password
- Make it easy to remember, but avoid using personal information like names or birthdays.
- Use a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers.
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Change It Around
- Don't use the same password across different sites.
- Create a few different variations of the same password for different accounts.
Be Internet Kind
It’s Cool to Be Kind
The Internet is a powerful amplifier that can spread positivity or negativity. Kids can apply the basic rule of treating other people how they'd like to be treated to their online behaviours, creating a positive space for everyone and taking down bullies.
Lead by Example
- Make the most of the Internet to share good vibes.
- Help stop the spread of mean or untrue messages by not sharing them with others.
- Respect Everyone’s Uniqueness
Be a Leader
- Block mean or inappropriate trolls online.
- Do your best to stand up for people being bullied.
- Encourage other kids to stand up and report online bullies.
Be Internet Brave
When in Doubt, Talk It Out
Here’s a lesson for all online situations: When kids see something that doesn’t feel right, they should feel safe chatting with a trusted adult. Adults can help by keeping the lines of communication open at home and in the classroom.
Encourage Internet Brave Behavior
- Make sure everyone knows the family or classroom rules about using the internet and what happens if they don't follow the rules.
- Keep the conversation flowing by checking in often and encouraging kids to ask questions.
- Invite other trusted adults like teachers, coaches, counsellors, friends, and family to join the conversation.
Tools & Resources
Play Safe.
Learn Safe.
Stay Safe.

Kids can have a blast becoming Internet Awesome with Interland, a fun online adventure that helps them learn important lessons about digital safety through four challenging and exciting games.
Play now
Be Internet Awesome Curriculum
Teachers can download awesome online safety lessons with the ISTE Seal of Alignment and fun classroom activities to bring important learnings to life.
Be Internet Awesome Pledge
Parents leading the online safety chat at home can help the whole family get on the same page by going over the basics and taking this pledge together.
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Experts in Online Safety
We worked with experts in digital safety to ensure that every element of the program addresses what families and educators need to know.